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Persian Turquoise Inlaying

Persian Turquise Stone | Firoozeh
Turquise Stone
Persian Turquoise Jewelry | Firoozeh
Turquoise Jewelry
Persian Turquoise Plate | Firuzeh
Turquoise Plate
Persian Turquoise Bracelet | Firuzeh
Turquoise Bracelet
Mashhad Gemstone | Persian Neyshabur Turquoise Sugar Bowl Code51-2-0

Persian Turquoise

Turquoise Sugar Bowl
Code-51-2-0 Neyshabur Turquoise

Mashhad Gemstone | Persian Neyshabur Turquoise Box Code61-2-0

Persian Turquoise

Turquoise Box
Code-61-2-0 Neyshabur Turquoise

Mashhad Gemstone | Persian Neyshabur Turquoise Frame Code388-2-0

Persian Turquoise

Turquoise Frame
Code-388-2-0 Neyshabur Turquoise

Mashhad Gemstone | Persian Neyshabur Turquoise Kohl holder Code48-2-0

Persian Turquoise

Turquoise Kohl holder
Code-48-2-0 Neyshabur Turquoise

Mashhad Gemstone | Persian Neyshabur Turquoise Vase Code52-2-0

Persian Turquoise

Turquoise Vase
Code-52-2-0 Neyshabur Turquoise

Mashhad Gemstone | Persian Neyshabur Turquoise Esfand-burner Code56-2-3

Persian Turquoise

Turquoise Esfand-burner
Code-56-2-3 Neyshabur Turquoise

Mashhad Gemstone | Persian Neyshabur Turquoise Vase Code52-2-2

Persian Turquoise

Turquoise Vase
Code-52-2-2 Neyshabur Turquoise

Mashhad Gemstone | Persian Neyshabur Turquoise Frame Code46-2-3

Persian Turquoise

Turquoise Frame
Code-46-2-3 Neyshabur Turquoise

Mashhad Gemstone | Persian Neyshabur Turquoise Frame Code46-2-0

Persian Turquoise

Turquoise Frame
Code-46-2-0 Neyshabur Turquoise

Mashhad Gemstone | Persian Neyshabur Turquoise Esfand-burner Code56-2-0

Persian Turquoise

Turquoise Esfand-burner
Code-56-2-0 Neyshabur Turquoise

Mashhad Gemstone | Persian Neyshabur Turquoise Nuts Bowls Code45-2-0

Persian Turquoise

Turquoise Nuts Bowls
Code-45-2-0 Neyshabur Turquoise

Mashhad Gemstone | Persian Neyshabur Turquoise Pedestal Dish Code50-2-0

Persian Turquoise

Turquoise Pedestal Dish
Code-50-2-0 Neyshabur Turquoise

Mashhad Gemstone | Persian Neyshabur Turquoise Candle Holder Code53-2-4

Persian Turquoise

Turquoise Candle Holder
Code-53-2-4 Neyshabur Turquoise

Mashhad Gemstone | Persian Neyshabur Turquoise Candle Holder Code53-2-0

Persian Turquoise

Turquoise Candle Holder
Code-53-2-0 Neyshabur Turquoise

Mashhad Gemstone | Persian Neyshabur Turquoise Box Code61-2-4

Persian Turquoise

Turquoise Box
Code-61-2-4 Neyshabur Turquoise

Mashhad Gemstone | Persian Neyshabur Turquoise Box Code61-2-5

Persian Turquoise

Turquoise Box
Code-61-2-5 Neyshabur Turquoise

Turquoise Inlaying

Iranian turquoise inlaying (Firoozeh) is one of the most beautiful Iranian artworks with a history of at least 2,000 years. In Iranian architecture, the blue turquoise was used to cover the domes of the Iranian palaces because its intense blue colour was a symbol of heaven on earth. Iranian artists use this gemstone in various forms of handicrafts. Inlaid turquoise consists of jewelries and containers made of metals such as copper, brass, silver, or bronze on which small pieces of turquoise stones are placed side by side with special glue. An absolute beauty of the objects will be created after final polishing of turquoise stones.

Healing Properties

In many cultures of the old and new worlds, the turquoise gemstone (Firoozeh stone) has been esteemed for thousands of years as a holy stone, a bringer of good fortune or a talisman. The oldest evidence for this claim was found in Ancient Egypt, where grave furnishings with turquoise inlay were discovered, dating from approximately 3000 BCE. In the ancient Iranian Empire, the blue gemstones were earlier worn round the neck or wrist as protection against unnatural death. It was known that turquoise crystals have healing properties. It is claimed that turquoise stone has the power to prevent panic attacks.

Qualified Turquoise

High quality turquoise is characterized by dark blue colour and fewer impurity streaks that are known as turquoise Ajami. Various types of turquoise are available in different streaks that vary in colour from green to dark blue. The blue color is enhanced when it has been formed in an area that contains more copper. More aluminum, more greenish and in the presence of zinc, the deposits display a yellow-green combination. The turquoise of Neyshabur, near Mashhad (global city for Gemstone), with dark blue color is a criterion for valuation of turquoise all over the world. The Neyshabur turquise mine is the biggest turquoise mine in the world.

Turquoise Care

How to care for persian turquoise? Exercise caution when using ultrasonic, steam cleaners, or harsh chemicals. These always carry a risk of damaging stones. Turquoise is rare and valuable in finer grades and has been prized as a gemstone and ornamental stone for 1000s of years owing to its unique hue.

Neyshabur Turquoise

Iranian turquoise may be called Neyshabur turquoise, named for the locality in which it is found. The turquoise mines are nestled near the city of Neyshabur. Neyshabur Turquoise, is one of the most popular turquoise in the world and its branch type of turquoise is very popular in Europe.


In Western culture, turquoise is the traditional birthstone for those born in the month of December. The turquoise is also a stone in the Jewish High Priest's breastplate. The stone is also considered sacred to the indigenous Zuni and Pueblo peoples of the American Southwest.

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